pesticides, use, environment, farmers, behaviour, VojvodinaAbstract
Requirements to provide high and stable yields and highquality agricultural products at reasonable prices are hard to meet without any use of pesticides. However, in addition to significant positive effect their application often has adverse effects on human health and environment. This study aims to uncover crop farmers’ behaviour regarding pesticide use in Serbia’s region of Vojvodina. The research was conducted based on farmers’ self-assessment regarding the application of pesticides. The results show that farmers have a serious and responsible approach concerning certain aspects of pesticide use. They generally follow recommendations, particularly concerning the preharvest interval, as well as the washing and maintenance of equipment. However, they often neglect other aspects, especially those related to their own safety protection. The study concludes that the mechanisms of appropriate sharing of information and farmers’ education should be addressed by decision-makers and that the advisory service should play a strong role in this process.
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