supply, market, marinated and pasteurized vegetable.Abstract
Main goal of this research is to make an overview of the market supply of marinated and pasteurized vegetable products on the Novi Sad market. It should also take a look at the competition among producers and determine the market position of mentioned products. Data is gathered in two significant retail objects: "M-Rodić" and "Univerexport", in Novi Sad. This research has gathered the data about assortment, price and type of package of products. Supply of pickles, peppers, beet root, and button mushrooms is the most diverse. The least diversity is seen in the supply of beans, string beans, sweet corn and carrot. This condition is the result of, before all, habits and affinities of consumers. Domestic producers are dominant in the supply of beet root, hot peppers and pickles. In the supply of mixed salad, only domestic producers are present. Foreign producers are dominant in the supply of pepper and button mushrooms. In the supply of string beans, carrot, sweet corn and beans, there are only foreign producers present.
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5. Статистичка документација : www.nbs.yu