
  • Danilo Tomi?, PhD Regional Chamber of Commerce, Novi Sad
  • Branislav Vlahovi?, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Anton Puškari?, MSc Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade


meat, halal market, export perspectives


Halal food represents the type of food produced according to Islamic laws. These laws forbid consummation of following food: pig meat and pig products, alcohol, blood and specific additives. Halal certificate guarantees the standard of animal breeding, way of slaughtering, technological processing of meat and meat products according to demands of halal quality, respecting cultural and religious values of Islamic community. Halal certificate means production according to highest hygienic, veterinarian and sanitary standards, production without any components or ingredients forbidden to consumers of Islamic religion. Halal standard is compatible with other valid standards (HACCP etc.) related to food hygiene and safety.

In this paper, authors are researching the significance of food produced by halal standard, meant for consumers of Islamic religion, whose number in the world is approximately 1,8 billions (2007). They have spent the total value of 280 billions of dollars on food (2007). Special attention has been given to research of absorb power of these countries for beef, sheep and chicken meat. At the end, the perspective of meat production and export from the Republic of Serbia to Halal market has been shown.


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Статистичка документација
1. Halal Certification: an International Marketing Issues and Challenges, Faculty of Business and Accountancy University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malasya
2. Food, fashion and faith na http://www.economist.com/business/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9587818
3. www.halalfocus.com - Tapping the halal market
4. www.halalfocus.com - Halal venture is tasty for food giant Nestlé as it cashes in on surging demand
5. www.halaljournal.com – Halal meals introduced by McDonalds
6. www.halal.ba - Halal kvalitet
7. www.liderpress.hr
8. www.siepa.sr.gov.yu
9. www.albawaba.com
10. www.e-magazin.co.yu
11. www.fao.org
12. www.factbook.net
13. www.liderpress.hr
14. www.statserb.se.gov.yu
15. www.minpolj.sr.gov.yu
16. www.bgsvtionik.net – како до халал сертификата ?




How to Cite

Tomić, D., Vlahović, B., & Puškarić, A. (2009). HALAL MARKET-PERSPECTIVE FOR AGRICULTURE OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 56(1), 133–144. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/1213

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