Ekonomika poljoprivrede https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA <p><strong>Economics of Agriculture welcomes original articles </strong>from researchers from all over the world to publish problem-oriented and high-quality articles. <strong>Economics of Agriculture </strong>publishes articles from wide variety of economic perspectives that address current and relevant issues related to the agricultural system. Economics of Agriculture especially publish articles of the current trends in the agriculture system.</p> <p>The papers submitted for the evaluation and publication into the Journal ECONOMICS OF AGRICULTURE have to match, but are not limited to the following topics (decision will be done by Editor in Chief): Agricultural economics, Farm (agricultural companies) management, Agricultural investments, financing and calculations, Agricultural marketing, Organization of plant, livestock and processing industry production, Rural Development, Sustainable agricultural development, Rural (Agro) tourism, Environmental issues from an aspect of agro economy, Trade with agricultural and food products, Agricultural policies and legislative.</p> The Balkan Scientifc Association of Agrarian Economists, Belgrade, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, (Serbia), Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest (Romania) en-US Ekonomika poljoprivrede 0352-3462 EMPIRICAL EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES USING PANEL DATA ANALYSIS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2310 <p>The purpose of this article is to assess the agricultural development of ten Southeast European (SEE) countries from the aspect of key environmental, economic and social indicators of agricultural sustainability management from 2011 to 2020. The article uses a Cross-section panel data Fixed Effects Model to identify relations between agricultural development in SEE countries and mentioned indicators of sustainable agricultural development management. The common sample of all SEE countries shows the economic sustainability, but also the environmental and social unsustainability of their agricultural systems. At a disaggregated level, the subsample of European Union (EU) membership candidate countries also yields the same findings. In contrast, the subsample of EU member states indicates all three dimensions of sustainability, with the exception of the aspect of using renewables. Therefore, both groups of countries should use renewables more intensively in order to contribute to the promotion of their efficient, sovereign and sustainable agricultural growth.</p> Lidija Madžar Jasmina Stojiljković Janko Todorov Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 653 665 10.59267/ekoPolj2402653M APPLICATION OF A DEFINITE INTEGRAL CALCULUS IN RENT CALCULATION https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2315 <p>For land rent, it is characteristic that it arises as a consequence of capital investment in the purchase of land, which is not a production investment, because capital is not invested for the reason of organizing agricultural production, the main reason of investing capital is to acquire certain ownership of land areas. In this paper, we will present the possibility of solving the problem of rent calculations using the economic application of the definite integral. First, we will show if the integral calcusus is applied in the rent calculation and then in the domain of its calculation.</p> Ivan Milojević Dalibor Krstić Ivan Božović Dragan Bataveljić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 667 677 10.59267/ekoPolj2402667M ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN MEETING THE DEFENSE NEEDS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2318 <p>The comprehensive influence and importance of agricultural production on the economy of the Republic of Serbia and its connection with the defense system represent an interesting research topic. This topic has to be researched carefully due to the connection, mutual influence, and mutual intertwining of commodity reserves of food products, the economic system, the defense system, and the army as one of its components, with social and political factors, both internal and external. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, global increases in food prices have been noticeable. This problem arose with the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine. It should be understood that the commodity reserve system of food products is a subsystem within a series of higher subsystems and systems, and that this is where its complexity and comprehensiveness lie.</p> Milan Mihajlović Milan Milunović Uroš Ćearmilac Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 679 696 10.59267/ekoPolj2402679M ETHNO EVENT IN THE FUNCTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURIST DESTINATIONS: CASE STUDY “COUNTRY WEDDING“ AT GOSTOLJUBLJE https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2323 <p>Ethno events have a driving role in the effective development of rural tourism. The goal of the research is to point out the importance of ethno event such as “Country wedding” as an innovative tourist product in enriching the tourist offer of rural areas, in the protection of intangible cultural heritage and affirming rural tourism. The research analyzed the motives, reasons, assessment of stay, sources of information of 346 visitors to the Gostoljublje farm in Kosjerić. Research has shown that in practice, ethno event directly affects the more effective valorization of the tourist potential, image improvement, enrichment and affirmation of the tourism product of the farm, stimulates the increase in employment of the local population and affects the raising of awareness about the importance of tourism in rural areas. Further research should be focused on improving marketing and promotional activities in order to achieve recognition and create a sustainable, professionally designed tourist brand “Country Wedding” in Kosjerić.</p> Leposava Zečević Olgica Zečević Stanojević Dragan Nedeljković Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 697 710 10.59267/ekoPolj2402697Z RESEARCH ON THE ATTITUDE OF YOUNG PEOPLE REGARDING THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF AGRICULTURE: A CASE STUDY OF SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2265 <p>Agriculture plays a crucial role in any economy. However, agricultural work is often regarded as unpopular, dirty and lacking prestige. As a consequence, young people frequently migrate from rural to urban areas in search of alternative activities. This study addresses the challenge of integrating youth into the agricultural workforce. The objective is to assess the reasons behind youth’s (un) willingness to engage in agricultural work, using Serbia as a case study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and 308 responses were analyzed with the help of Binary Logistic Regression. The findings indicate that the attitude of young individuals to engage in agricultural work is significantly shaped by area of residence, family involvement, ownership of rural property, the economic viability of the agricultural sector and concerns about long-term employment stability. A few positive and negative stereotypes were also identified. The findings underscore the imperative to attract young people to work in agriculture.</p> Marko Janaćković Ognjen Dimitrijević Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 365 380 10.59267/ekoPolj2402365J CORRELATION BETWEEN SOLVENCY OF SERBIAN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR AND INVESTMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2289 <p>Whether investment in environmental protection is conditioned by the solvency of agricultural companies, due to the growing importance of environmental sustainability, is the topic of this paper. The goal of the research is to determine, on a sample of 40 agricultural companies, whether investment in environmental protection is conditioned by solvency in a three-year period. Solvency, which is relatively good in the sampled companies, is not correlated with investment in the environment, in the analyzed time period, based on the quantification of descriptive data from the annual report. The level of disclosure of the environmental dimension of the sustainability of agricultural companies in Serbia is at a very poor level and the ESG reporting concept is necessary. The research indicates non-compliance with the legal obligation of non-financial reporting on environmental protection of agricultural companies, which indicates that educational, legal and regulatory measures must be urgently taken in order to make the reporting as representative as possible.</p> Milena Stojić Biljana Pejović Vojkan Bižić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 381 395 10.59267/ekoPolj2402381S A MODEL FOR DETERMINING PREMIUM RATES IN INDEXBASED CROP INSURANCE https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2294 <p>The paper deals with index-based crop insurance as a tool for managing flood and drought risks in agriculture. We introduce a novel model for determining premium rates in index-based crop insurance which combines the loss cost method and the average yield method. The proposed model was applied to data related to the production of selected crops in Serbia to calculate unique premium rates for index-based insurance for cereals, industrial crops and fodder plants. The paper also outlines the prerequisites for index-based crop insurance to become technically, operationally, and financially feasible in Serbia. We propose the introduction of mandatory index-based crop insurance, along with necessary legislative amendments and subsidization of insurance premiums.</p> Marija Koprivica Jelena Kočović Drago Cvijanović Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 397 412 10.59267/ekoPolj2402397K THE OCCURRENCE, PERSISTENCE, AND COSTS OF ACIDOSIS-RELATED ISSUES IN DAIRY COWS CONCERNING PARITY https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2298 <p>This study aimed to assess the occurrence, persistence, and cost implications of acidosis-related issues in dairy cows concerning parity, utilizing over 8 million testday records of Holstein and Simmental breeds. The data analysis revealed that the analyzed issues in dairy cattle populations vary regarding the breed and parity. The Holsteins had a higher occurrence of acidosis compared to the Simmentals. Furthermore, Holsteins exhibited a more significant prevalence of acidosis in younger animals, while Simmentals demonstrated an increased incidence in older cows. The acidosis risk significantly reduced milk production in first-parity Holsteins, while older cows were more resilient. Among the Simmental breed, the effect of acidosis risk was limited to first-parity animals. The occurrence of acidosis in both breeds resulted in a significant and persistent reduction in milk production in older cows. Overall, results suggest the importance breed-specific management to minimize the occurrence of acidosis and maximize animal health and productivity.</p> Vesna Gantner Franjo Poljak Tina Bobić Ranko Gantner Zvonimir Steiner Klemen Potočnik Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 413 426 10.59267/ekoPolj2402413G AGRICULTURE AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION – RESULTS OF ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2303 <p>Agriculture represents the “cause” and the “victim” of climate change. Almost 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from the agricultural sector. They contribute to global warming and therefore significantly affect the sustainability of agricultural production systems. The aim of the paper is to determine which factors have the greatest influence on the greenhouse gas emission from agriculture. For this purpose, a dynamic panel analysis for 26 members of the European Union in the period from 2013 to 2021 in the paper is conducted. The results of the analysis suggest that the capacity for biofuel production, organic agricultural production and greenhouse gas emissions from the previous period have the greatest impact on the same emissions from agriculture. The results of this research can serve policy makers in formulating strategies for the development of food systems that will pollute the environment to a lesser extent and use available resources more rationally.</p> Miloš Krstič Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 427 441 10.59267/ekoPolj2402427K THE IMPORTANCE OF RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE SREM DISTRICT https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2311 <p>Contemporary rural business trends emphasize tourism’s vital role in holistic rural development, signaling forthcoming transformations. In the 21st century, rural tourism must adapt to evolving domestic and international demands, showcasing diverse aspects of rural life. Success in family farms will hinge on effective branding, market understanding, customer relations, and product quality. Methodologically, this study compares demographic and economic indicators across seven municipalities in the Srem District over three years, post-COVID-19. Findings reveal Srem’s rural tourism product lacks market positioning. To excel domestically, Srem must establish itself as a rural tourism hotspot, leveraging its unique attributes for competitive advantage. This entails integrating diverse offerings into a cohesive market presence, fostering spatial connectivity.</p> Nada Kosanović Mirjana Bartula Mihajlo Karna Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 443 452 10.59267/ekoPolj2402443K IMPROVEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC COMPETENCES USING THE E-ACADEMY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2314 <p>Today, sustained development faces major challenges, which is based on economic, ecological and sociocultural principles, and which is a prerequisite for the development of rural areas. The goal of the work is the implementation of the professional education model for people from rural areas through the improvement of sustainable environmental and economic competencies using the E-Academy platform. The research is based on data obtained through the Survey (164 respondents), from Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia. The results show that 57% of respondents have secondary education and all are from rural areas. It has been established that the majority have elementary knowledge of the use of digital platforms and tools, so the interest in such education is at an enviable level. The significance of the results is reflected in the inclusion of the rural population in the E-Academy, monitoring the course of education and helping those who strive to improve agriculture.</p> Jelena Ignjatović Milan Blagojević Marija Bajagić Vera Rašković Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 453 468 10.59267/ekoPolj2402453I ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITY OF BANKRUPTCY IN MEDIUM-SIZED AGRIBUSINESS COMPANIES IN AP VOJVODINA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2313 <p>In the context of a volatile economy marked by diverse global crises, it becomes imperative to proactively assess the potential insolvency among economic entities. This study focuses on medium-sized companies involved in agricultural and food production within the AP Vojvodina, spanning the time frame from 2018 to 2022. The primary objective is to assess the likelihood of bankruptcy within the observed companies, applying Altman’s modified Z score (Z’), Kralicek Quick test and the Springate model. The data utilized for this research are sourced from the financial reports of the observed companies. Based on the performed analysis, it can be concluded that the modified Altman’s Z’ score and the Springate model in most cases gave identical results on the occurrence of bankruptcy. Using the Kralicek Quick test, the solvency ratings are quite divergent. In the observed period, the possibility of bankruptcy was higher for agricultural companies compared to ones from the food industry.</p> Bogdan Jocić Dragan Milić Vladislav Zekić Dragana Novaković Tihomir Novaković Zoran Ilić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 469 484 10.59267/ekoPolj2402469J HUMAN CAPITAL AS A DEVELOPMENT FACTOR OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2316 <p>Authors explore the role of human capital in organic agriculture in Serbia. Through semi-structured interviews with 64 individual farmers holding organic production certificates, key aspects of human capital, including education level, language proficiency and ICT usage were analyzed. Findings reveal a disparity between conventional and organic farming in terms of computer literacy and ICT utilization, underscoring the need for targeted interventions to enhance technological adoption in organic farming. Moreover, the study identifies the importance of membership in agricultural associations for organic farmers, facilitating knowledge exchange and market penetration. The results suggest that human capital plays a pivotal role in driving advancements in organic agriculture, with implications for the sustainability and growth of the sector in Serbia. This underscores the necessity for future research to go deeper into human capital dynamics and their implications for sustainable agricultural development.</p> Mirela Tomaš Simin Danica Glavaš-Trbić Dragan Milić Dejan Janković Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 485 501 10.59267/ekoPolj2402485T FORMAL VS INFORMAL CONTRACTS (NETWORKS) AND SUSTAINABILITY OF RASPBERRY FARMS IN WEST SERBIA – AN EXPLORATORY RESEARCH https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2319 <p>Serbia has gained international recognition for its fruit production, particularly establishing itself as one of the top five global producers and exporters in the raspberry sector. Given the highly intensive nature of raspberry production and the diverse range of producers, spanning from small farms to large corporate entities, research on the sustainability of production and future strategies has become increasingly important. The study explores the significance of economic, environmental, and social factors influencing raspberry producers’ practices. It also delves into their future production strategies, examining these aspects from the perspective of farmers. The findings derived from interviews with farmers reveal statistically significant differences between the two subsamples, namely formal and informal, across basic socio-economic and sustainability indicators, as well as in their anticipated future production strategies. The specific approaches and measures in achieving overall sustainability were emphasised in the concluding remarks.</p> Žaklina Stojanović Emilija Manić Irena Janković Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 503 518 10.59267/ekoPolj2402503S DETERMINANTS OF PROFITABILITY OF FOOD ENTERPRISES FROM THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2325 <p>This paper aims to identify, evaluate, and analyze determinants of the profitability of food enterprises from the Republic of Serbia. The paper determines the nature of the relationship between defined determinants and profitability by applying a panel regression model on a sample of 189 small, medium, and large food enterprises from Serbia in the period from 2011 to 2021. The analysis results showed that the profitability of food enterprises is positively influenced by liquidity and sales growth rate. On the other hand, the indebtedness, size, and materiality of assets have a negative impact on the profitability of food enterprises. Of all analyzed variables, only liquidity does not affect profitability at a statistically significant level. The results of the analysis should be added to the fact that smaller food enterprises, with a lower degree of indebtedness and a smaller share of fixed in total assets, achieve a higher degree of profitability.</p> Stevan Tomašević Mirela Momčilović Nada Milenković Dragana Milić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 519 533 10.59267/ekoPolj2402519T COMPARING THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF OPEN FIELD AND PROTECTED AREA ORGANIC TOMATO CULTIVATION SYSTEMS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2328 <p>To compare the economics of different systems of organic tomato production, two models were created, one assuming outdoor production, and the other representing production in a protected area under a greenhouse, based on the data obtained through interviews with organic tomato producers from Vojvodina. The cost and sensitivity analysis revealed that the greenhouse model yields better results overall (a financial result of €273/100 m2 compared to €58/100 m2), despite the higher costs due to amortization, interest and costs related to the higher yield obtained. The production model also showed less dependence on the change in organic tomato yield and price, as well as key cost groups and post-harvest losses, which in both cases were mediated by growing coriander as an intercrop. This research improves the knowledge of the economics of organic tomato cultivation and at the same time proposes a methodology to analyze the economic impact of other organic productions.</p> Vasili Vasilije Ostojić Riste Elenov Zorica Sredojević Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 535 549 10.59267/ekoPolj2402535V UNLOCKING POTENTIAL: GEOGRAPHICAL BRANDING AS A POSSIBLE FACTOR OF REVITALIZATION OF SERBIAN VILLAGES – A CASE STUDY OF THE VISOK MICROREGION https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2337 <p>The objective of this paper is to emphasize, branding as one of the possible ways to take concrete steps towards reaffirming the local values and traditional knowledge of rural populations in Serbia. Based on information gathered in the field, as well as from existing literature sources, the main goal of this study is to promote products from the Visok microregion.</p> <p>Due to very alarming demographic data, this may be the last chance for revitalizing this region. In this study, we highlighted the following products: Pirot kilim (Pirot rug), Pirot/Stara Planina lamb, Pirot Kachkaval cheese, Stara Planina honey, and Stara Planina potato. Besides agriculture, micr oregion Visok also has exceptional tourist potential. The conclusion of this paper emphasizes that the only viable path to revitalization is through planned investment. Such investment would facilitate the development of local infrastructure and help restore the population, thus enabling the creation of sustainable development.</p> Aleksandar Radivojević Rastko Marković Ksenija Marković Ana Langović Miloš Marjanović Filip Stojilković Ivan Filipović Tin Lukić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 551 568 10.59267/ekoPolj2402551R ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE USE OF FORESTRY PRODUCTS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2330 <p>Forestry together with the industry based on wood and non-wood forest products (NWFPs) represents an important activity and branch of the national economy. In accordance with that, the work is divided into two chapters, one of which analyzes wood, and the other of NWFPs. Therefore, the aim of the research is to examine the market trends and potential of forestry in the part of central Serbia (Central forest area). The purpose of the research is to identify trends in the categories of felling, production and sale of wood assortments of beech, oak and poplar and to analyses the commercial aspect and the way of organizing the marketing mix in companies that deal with the purchase, processing and placement of NWFPs. The Mann-Kendall test was used for the analysis of trends in wood products, while a survey was created for the analysis of companies in the field of NWFPs, which included 29 open and closed questions, with conceptual units related to the marketing mix. For the purposes of the research, primary and secondary data were used and the time period 2008-2017 was covered.</p> Milica Marčeta Ljiljana Keča Sreten Jelić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 569 587 10.59267/ekoPolj2402569M SLOW TOURISM AS A CONTEMPORARY TENDENCY IN THE TOURISM MARKET: IMAGE CONTENT AND GEOTAG ANALYSIS ON INSTAGRAM https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2332 <p>Although it originated from the Slow Food and Cittaslow movements, slow tourism has spread to many spheres of tourism. The purpose of the paper is to investigate what people associate with slow tourism, and how and where they engage in slow tourism. Social media content analysis on Instagram, using hashtag #slowtourism, was performed in the research. The general conclusion is that people mostly associate slow tourism with different forms of architecture and landscape, and to lesser extent with transport and food. Also, there was significant content variation within the architecture and landscape categories, suggesting that people associate different types of architecture and tourism destinations with slow tourism. When it comes to location, the majority of photos were taken in Italy, which is not surprising, considering that Slow Food and Cittaslow movements originated in this country.</p> Sonja Lazarević Tanja Stanišić Raluca Andreea Ion Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 589 598 10.59267/ekoPolj2402589L PLACE AND ROLE OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN RURAL AREAS IN CENTRAL SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2336 <p>Social media is a new emerging field in agricultural marketing, and its use is rapidly evolving, upgrading, and expanding. The aim of this study is to determine the attitudes of agricultural product producers in central Serbia regarding the use of social media in their business, with a focus on identifying the perception of the promotional potential of social networks themselves. The research included a final sample of 200 respondents. The basic hypothesis in this paper is that the internet as a technology for e-commerce, information, and advertising has great potential to improve the position of farmers and producers, but it is not fully utilized. The majority of agricultural producers still use Facebook as one of the main promotional channels.</p> Dejan Dašić Biljana Vitković Marija Ilievska Kostadinović Gruja Kostadinović Milijanka Ratković Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 599 611 10.59267/ekoPolj2402599D INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTION OF PRIMARY PRODUCTS ON THE RATE OF INFLATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2339 <p>The optimization of production processes leads to an increase in the volume of output from the primary sector, as an instrument to protect the population from crossing the border of extreme poverty. The Republic of Serbia is a traditional producer of primary products, as evidenced by the realized surplus in the net export of agricultural crops. In the period after global financial crisis, the Republic of Serbia achieved an above-average inflation rate growth, compared to the countries of the European Union. In this research, we detect a significant participation of products from agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining to reduce the volatility of product prices. The purpose of the research is to prove the causal relationship between the rate of inflation and the volume of production primary products. The methodological part was carried out through the evaluation of the model using econometric methods. The conclusion indicates a high correlation between the production of primary outputs and the rate of inflation in the Serbian economy.</p> Đorđe Kotarac Simo Veljko Stevanović Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 613 626 10.59267/ekoPolj2402613K OPTIMIZATION OF MILK PROCESSING PROCESSES AND ANALYSIS OF OBTAINED SOLUTIONS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2340 <p>This study focuses on the analysis of optimization and sensitivity in dairy production, utilizing linear programming to achieve an optimal production structure and maximize net income. The model identifies key products with the highest revenues and those having the greatest impact on overall revenue and costs. Sensitivity analysis reveals which products are most sensitive to price changes and how these changes affect production structures, providing valuable insights for dairy management in pricing strategies and future investments. Additionally, the research opens opportunities for further improvements and exploring new market avenues and product diversification in the dairy industry.</p> Mersida Jandrić Grujica Vico Željko Savić Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 627 638 10.59267/ekoPolj2402627J SELECTION OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION CHANNELS IN AGRIBUSINESS https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/2341 <p>The aim of this study was to select the best marketing communication channel for a medium-sized agricultural company in the area of the city of Bijeljina by applying multi-criteria decision-making methods. Eight criteria were used for the research, and five communication channels were selected. The research on the importance of individual criteria was influenced by the commercial management of the company in question with their common attitude, i.e. assessment. The Entropy - MABAC method of multi-criteria decision-making was used for the methodology. The results show that the criterion of diversity of new information is the most significant. The best-rated communication channel is the company’s good image. The second-best rated alternative is the use of the internet, specifically social media. The results provide a good basis for further research in this area with the aim of determining the factors that influence the choice of future promotion methods and obtaining useful information.</p> Miroslav Nedeljković Radomir Jovanović Goran Maksimović Copyright (c) 2024 Economics of Agriculture https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 71 2 639 651 10.59267/ekoPolj2402639N