
  • Danica Bošnjak, PhD University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Vesna Rodi?, PhD University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture


costs of production, basic field crops, agricultural enterprises, family households


The costs of production have become more and more important as a factor of competitiveness in a developing market. In order to successful manage the production, managers need to know, at all times, the costs of production, their structure and tendencies. The production of the basic field crops in 2009 was characterised by high production costs per hectare, which were not caused by the increase of the production intensity (the quantity of inputs used) but by their high prices. The total costs of production in agricultural enterprises ranged from € 609 per hectare (in wheat production), up to € 1,148 per hectare (in sugar beet production) while in family households, those which pay only harvesting service, variable costs of production ranged from € 329 (in soybean production), up to € 810 (in sugar beat production). The price increase of raw material and fuel adversely affects the level of production intensity. Producers, striving to gain profit in conditions of expensive production, tend to reduce technology and produce at the expense of environment (primarily soil), which is socially unacceptable.


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How to Cite

Bošnjak, D., & Rodić, V. (2010). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TNE BASIC FIELD CROPS PRODUCTION COSTS IN VOJVODINA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(2), 233–243. Retrieved from

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