
  • Nataša Kljaji?, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Jonel Subi?, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Zorica Sredojevi?, PhD University of Belgrade-Faculty of Agriculture



investment, raspberry, production, profitability.


Raspberry is the most important kind of berries and specific in many of its characteristics - biological properties, economic importance, agro-ecological, technological and organizational requirements, the market value of the product, as well as very high interdependence and correlation between the individual phases of the reproductive cycle. Due to its extremely pleasant smell and taste and high nutritional value, raspberry represents a very esteemed and sought fruit which has a high price in the world market and is very suitable for processing. In addition to financial effect, the cultivation of raspberries enables recruitment of labour force, which is in our economic situation of great socio-economic importance, especially in the mountainous regions of Serbia. Based on real data examples, this paper analyzes the economic profitability of this production. Investments in the establishment and cultivation of a raspberry plantation under irrigation amount to 12.140 €/ha. In the production of raspberries a very favorable annual financial result (profit) in the amount of 9300 €/ha is achieved, production is very cost-effective, accumulation is significant (about 77%) and return on equity is in the second year of exploitation. The established economic and financial results show that the production of raspberries is very profitable.


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How to Cite

Kljajić, N., Subić, J., & Sredojević, Z. (2017). PROFITABILITY OF RASPBERRY PRODUCTION ON HOLDINGS IN THE TERRITORY OF ARILJE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(1), 57–68.



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