Organic tomato, production in a protected area, open field production, economic indicatorsAbstract
To compare the economics of different systems of organic tomato production, two models were created, one assuming outdoor production, and the other representing production in a protected area under a greenhouse, based on the data obtained through interviews with organic tomato producers from Vojvodina. The cost and sensitivity analysis revealed that the greenhouse model yields better results overall (a financial result of €273/100 m2 compared to €58/100 m2), despite the higher costs due to amortization, interest and costs related to the higher yield obtained. The production model also showed less dependence on the change in organic tomato yield and price, as well as key cost groups and post-harvest losses, which in both cases were mediated by growing coriander as an intercrop. This research improves the knowledge of the economics of organic tomato cultivation and at the same time proposes a methodology to analyze the economic impact of other organic productions.
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