investments, agriculture, land purchase and rent, modelAbstract
Investments represent basic source and mean for creation and increase of national wealth in each country, then for undisturbed development of reproduction process as well as for implementation of development goals. Structural adjustment of economy, particular economic branches and economic subjects, beside other relevant factors, to a great extent depend upon adequate size and structure of available investment capital.
Agrarian economy of transition countries is facing with the capital lack problem for investment needs as well as structural adjustment toward requirements necessary as an imperative during preparation period for European integrations. In the situation when available investment capital is lacking, while the needs for the capital are significant, it is very important to direct properly existing financial resources into those purposes and projects where it could be achieved the highest investment economic effectiveness. Having in mind segmentation of land property both in Serbia and in surrounding countries, a need for investments into the land purchase appears as one of priority investment purposes. In this paper it is presented the microeconomic model of capital investments into agricultural land as one of possible methodological approaches in adequate and correct decisionmaking process on investments into agricultural land purchase.
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