
  • Tamara Gaji?, PhD Novi Sad Business School
  • Aleksandra Vujko, PhD Novi Sad Business School
  • Mirjana Peni?, PhD Faculty of Natural Sciences, Novi Sad
  • Marko D. Petrovi?, PhD Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)
  • Milutin Mrksa, PhD Novi Sad Business School



rural tourism, farms, Serbia, integration.


There are a large number of farms in Serbia, which survived with a little capital and labor, and today one of the perspectives they see in the integration with the rural tourism. Tourism development is an incentive for the introduction of improvements in agricultural production, processing and supply of food, as well as the introduction of modern standards that are difficult to apply on small farms because of the high costs of their implementation. Rural tourism in Serbia is not at a satisfactory level of development, although there are all preconditions for its intensive development. Due to unfavorable political and economic position of Serbia, rural tourism has not encountered the support of its favorable development among its competitors. The authors have tried to point out a study for the attitude of the hosts as a service providers on the current status and problems faced in providing services in rural tourism. Investigated in 15 municipalities in Vojvodina (Northern Serbia), Southwestern Serbia and Southeastern Serbia, and in a total of 46 owners of small farms. Using the tests methods questionnaires and processing in SPSS, version 19.0, and analysis of the data, authors led to the confrmation of certain hypotheses of which started in the investigation.


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How to Cite

Gajić, T., Vujko, A., Penić, M., Petrović, M. D., & Mrksa, M. (2017). SIGNIFICANT INVOLVEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS IN RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(3), 901–918.



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