
  • Srećko Novaković Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad
  • Dragan Vukasović Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad
  • Bogdan Laban Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad
  • Mladen Ivić University of Business Engineering and Management Banja Luka
  • Vera Popovi?, PhD Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
  • Slobodan Popović Internal Auditor, Department of Management and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad



Managing, risk, internal control


The survival of a company on the market is possible if there is a good company managing, led by agile and professional management. Company development is a general objective and it can be achieved if the management of the company managed to establish their own style of organization and management. In addition to the aforesaid, the management should have a developed system of internal control within the regular and continuous business operations. Our contribution is reflected in the presentation of mode of managing nursery-garden plant production, using internal control for the benefts of management. We found that the application of detected risks in said production could be presented and illustrated in a range of risks, all of it with the aim of making management decisions that will reduce the overall risk of an agricultural companys business operations.


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How to Cite

Novaković, S., Vukasović, D., Laban, B., Ivić, M., Popović, V., & Popović, S. (2018). MANAGING AGRICULTURAL COMPANY BY USING INTERNAL CONTROL AND SIGNIFICANCE OF RISK PRESENTATION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(2), 801–812.

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