
  • Mirela Tomaš Simin, M.Sc. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Danica Glavaš-Trbi?, Ph.D. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad




organic production, emergence, history, development.


The authors are discussing the concept of organic production, its origins and development. Organic agriculture has been developed in three stages: stage of emergence (1924-1970), stage of expansion (1970-1990) and stage of growth (after 1990). In the frst stage organic production faced problems in terms of its scientific recognition, acceptance by the producer, members of the wider community as well as acceptance at the national level. The second stage was defned with gradual expansion of the production system, the establishment of non-governmental organizations, the recognition and the establishment of the frst legislative framework and the adoption of organic practices. In the third stage organic production is recognized and accepted around the world. Today there are laws on organic production in almost all developed countries, and in most of the developing countries. Areas under this system are increasing and the state offcial are acting as advocates of organic agrculture, supporting this system in the form of various premiums and subsidies for producers.


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How to Cite

Tomaš Simin, M., & Glavaš-Trbić, D. (2016). HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC PRODUCTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(3), 1083–1099. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1603083T

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