


gross domestic product, gross value added, agricultural, crop production, livestock production


Тhe subject of the research of this paper is the realized value of agricultural production, which significantly contributes to the formation of gross value added. The share of gross value added of agriculture in total GVA is one of the most important indicators of the importance of agriculture in the economic structure. The goal of the research is to point out the adequacy of the size and contribution of the agricultural sector to the creation of gross value added, as well as the impact of individual branches on the formation of total gross value added, i.e. on overall economic development. The simple linear regression method was applied to examine the impact of GVA in agriculture on total GVA. The results of the analysis show that the movement of agriculture GVA has a statistically significant influence on the movement of total GVA.


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How to Cite

Užar, D., & Radojević, V. (2019). THE IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE IN FORMING GROSS VALUE ADDED IN SERBIA IN THE PERIOD OF 2008-2017. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 66(4), 1091–1105.

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