
  • Jovan Babovi?, PhD Active Member New York Academy of sciences, Novi Sad
  • Stanko Mili?, PhD Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
  • Vuk Radojevi?, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad


economy, irrigation, profitability, productivity, quality.


Irrigation contributes to increased agricultural yields and production volume and intensified agricultural production. Field crops double their yields in irrigation. Production value of irrigated field crops is increased 2.06 times compared with dry farming. Profit per hectare of irrigated field crops is increased 2.01 times. The economy of field crop production increases from 1.03 in dry farming to 1.18 in irrigation. Profitability of field crop production increases from 3% in dry farming to 18.4% in irrigation.

Productivity of production of irrigated field crops increases 1.6 times for wheat, 2.4 times for corn, 1.9 times for sugar beet, 2.4 times for sunflower and 2.7 times for soybean (yield/work hour).

High economy of production is achieved in vegetable production, amounting to 2. Profitability is increased by 75%. Profit per hectare of irrigated vegetable crops exceeds that of irrigated field crops.

Investments in irrigation result in higher volume and quality of food production, more economic and profitable production, and higher incomes and profits.

Irrigation has a decisive impact on yield performance, production and economic results and further development of market-oriented, certified organic production of high quality produce.


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How to Cite

Babović, J., Milić, S., & Radojević, V. (2009). ECONOMICS EFFECTS OF IRRIGATION IN PLANT PRODUCTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 56(1), 41–53. Retrieved from



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