market research, questionnaire, consumption, Trapist CheeseAbstract
Market research represents an essential precondition for making timely and rational marketing decisions in market operations of economic entities.
The main objective of the research is to establish the relevant factors which determine the consumption of the Trapist Cheese manufactured by A.D. "Mlekoprodukt" in Zrenjanin. According to the obtained answers, an economic entity should make the appropriate business decisions which will affect an increase of a demand, that is, the consumption of this very valuable food. The emphasis, in the market analysis, is on the product which is one of the basic elements of the marketing MIKS.
A questionnaire is used in this study as a research method. Its application represents the primary data gathering from the one being questioned. This method enables the gain of the facts, opinions and motives of the ones being questioned about the factors which affected the consumption of the Trapist Cheese the most.
The obtained answers are sufficiently indicative and show the basic factors which affect the consumption of the Trapist Cheese of the above mentioned manufacturer.
2. Статистички годишњак Србије и Црне Горе, Савезни завод за статистику, Београд, за одговарајуће године.
4. Статистички билтен: «Анкета о потрошњи домаћинстава», Савезни завод за статистику, Београд, за одговарајуће године.