
  • Zdravko Hojka Мegatrend University of Applied Sciences, Belgrade Faculty of Bioframing, Sombor
  • Jelena Bošković Мegatrend University of Applied Sciences, Belgrade Faculty of Bioframing, Sombor
  • Jeremija Simić Facutly of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun
  • Toma Krmpotić Facutly of Economics, Subotica


nitrogen, nitrogen fertilisers, nitrites, sustainable development


Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrient elements used all over the world with the aim of increasing and sustainability of the production of the agricultural crops. During the 'Green Revolution', nitrogen fertilisers contributed to the increase and maintenance of crop yields under different agroecosystems. Nitrogen was a key of economic variability of the agricultural production worldwide, and in this way, it was globally a key of food. On the other hand, anthropogenic influences (fossil fuel combustion) contributed to a greater release of gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, resulting in global warming of our planet. The application of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilisers can cause losses of nitrogen in gaseous states, as well as, nitrite leaching. Therefore, nitrite contamination of drinking water is already a serious problem in many parts of the world. New technologies in the application of nitrogen fertilisers and crop growing, such as: a precise technique of the plant production, quick tests (in situ) for analysing concentrations of nitrite nitrogen in the plant tissues, rapid tests for chlorophyll determination, the use of computer models of simulation for the improvement of production planning and organising - can affect the increase of the average efficiency in the nitrogen utilisation under different agroecosystems by more than 50%. This paper presents the modes and possibilities of the rational application of nitrogen fertilisers in the seed maize production, which is specific in many of its parameters, as a necessary procedure to maintain a safe agroecosystem.


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How to Cite

Hojka, Z., Bošković, J., Simić, J., & Krmpotić, T. (2006). THE NITROGEN RATIONAL APPLICATION IN THE PLANT PRODUCTION WITH THE AIM TO MAINTAIN SUSTAINABILITY OF THE AGRO-ECO-SYSTEM. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 53(3). Retrieved from



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