
  • Aleksandra Vujko, PhD Novi Sad Business School
  • Tamara Gaji?, PhD Novi Sad Business School
  • Miloš Dragosavac Novi Sad Business School
  • Branka Maksimovi?, PhD Novi Sad Business School
  • Milutin Mrkša Novi Sad Business School




agritourism, travel agencies, integration


Many researchers consider agritourism as a major agent of local development, but there is still a lack of awareness about the importance of networking and integration among agritourism accommodation sector and travel agencies, and the economic benefts in terms of livelihood enhancement.This paper analyses selected agritourism accommodation facilities and travel agencies in which we indicate positive experiences: frst, in term of guest satisfaction (guests of 23 accommodation facilities) and second, among employees in travel agencies.This paper actually analyses the level of integration implemented in agritourism, and makes the point that cooperation between travel agencies and agritourism facilities needed to be at a much higher level.


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How to Cite

Vujko, A., Gajić, T., Dragosavac, M., Maksimović, B., & Mrkša, M. (2017). LEVEL OF INTEGRATION AMONG AGRITOURISM ACCOMMODATION SECTOR AND TRAVEL AGENCIES. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(2), 659–670. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1702659V



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