
  • Aleksandar Maksimovi?, MSc. International University of Brcko. Ph.D. at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb. Brcko District of BiH
  • Ljubiša Todorovi?, MSc. MBS Beograd
  • Ferhat ?ejvanovi?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University of Tuzla


IPA, Cross Border Cooperaion, project, Brcko District, tourism.


The European Union in different ways and through the structural funds, helps developing countries in the Western Balkans. Decision of the EU, the total amount that will in the period since 2007. 2013. be available in Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina is 4 billion. One of the priority measures under the IPA Cros-border coopertion (CBC) is the development of tourism. These measures should help the development of tourism. How and how to access and become a user of these programs help? Cross-border projects, involves regional cooperation, and require fnancial resources in the preparation of the project. Trained project manager are needed for this job. Local communities, with its capacity should take on the preparation of these projects, as partners include the tourist industry and animate other tourist facilities in their local community.


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2. Liberty, B.W., (1991), Farm diversifcation as an Adjustment Strategy on the Urban Fringe of the West Midlands, Journal od Rural Studies. Vol.7. No3.p.p. 2007-218.
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4. Prekogranična saradnja u okviru IPA http://dei.gov.ba/direkcija/unutrasnja_struktura/koordinacija/?id=28
5. Uredba komisije (EZ) br. 718 – 007 o provedbi Uredbe Vijeća (EZ) 1085 – 2006 kojom se uspostavlja IPA




How to Cite

Maksimović, A., Todorović, L., & Ćejvanović, F. (2011). IPA FONDOVI CBC- MOGUĆNOST ZA RAZVOJ TURIZAMA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(1 Book 2), 311–316. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/783

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