Multifunctional agriculture of rural areas in federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in process of transition


  • Ferhat ?ejvanovi?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University in Tuzla
  • Bahrija Umihani?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University in Tuzla
  • Kadrija Hodži?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University in Tuzla
  • Meldina Kokorovi? Jukan, MSc Faculty of Economics, University in Tuzla


multifunctional agriculture, rural development, transition


In agriculture transition conditions in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, conceptualization of modern agricultural household is developing slowly and it is not on the satisfying level. Main feature of agriculture in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the future will be based on small and mid-sized agricultural households. Elements of production diversity, and certain extensively will be kept for a while and that will keep relatively higher number of people in rural areas. Number of people, lower level of production specialization and preserved elements of traditional solidarity, participation and identification of people from rural area with their community are preconditions for preserving and development of rural community. Also there is possibility to develop new content of rurality, based on natural, technical and other type of new agrarity and rurality, which presumes partial agricultural activities, in other words partial life in the village, but based on new sociocultural standards. In that context, more people could be connected to the village, either by working there without living, or living there permanently and not working in agriculture, which is becoming frequent case in developed world. Those are modern forms of ruralization or neo-ruralization which can be used as possible theoretical redefinition of current rural paradigms, especially in connection to the modernization theories. In the profiling process of rural areas in new conditions, institution of village could be of great use, and have to be developed and adapted, with forming the new ones. This applies to the traditional village institutions (country family, school, religious facilities, agricultural community, etc), but also to the new ones - such as modern agencies for rural development on national, regional and local level which exists in many countries in the world.



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How to Cite

Ćejvanović, F., Umihanić, B., Hodžić, K., & Kokorović Jukan, M. (2010). Multifunctional agriculture of rural areas in federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in process of transition. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 456–465. Retrieved from