
  • Ružica Papi?, M.Sc. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun
  • Natalija Bogdanov, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun



policy formulation, benefciaries of rural development, policy effciency, attitudes of rural development actors, rural Serbia.


Key challenge in transitional countries is effective decentralized local governance with strong capacities for dealing with new rural development programming instruments. In this paper we have examined the attitudes of local rural development actors (RDA) in Serbia on rural development policy priorities, in particular their attitudes on benefciaries of rural development measures, policy objectives, and the most efficient strategies of rural development. We also analysed whether the respondents attitudes differ depending on the socio-economic characteristic of surveyed regions (South and North of Serbia). Data on attitudes of RDAs were collected through direct survey with representatives of 30 rural communities, and analysed using descriptive statistics methods and Ajzens theory of planned behaviour. Results indicate that respondents attitudes on rural policy are conservative and oriented towards objectives related to agriculture and interests of farmers and that socio-economic characteristic of the regions contribute to distinction in attitudes of RDAs.


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How to Cite

Papić, R., & Bogdanov, N. (2015). RURAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY – A PERSPECTIVE OF LOCAL ACTORS IN SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(4), 1079–1093.