Rural infrastructure and the role of social capital in Serbia


  • Maaike Runia Wageningen University, Department of Social Sciences, The Netherlands
  • Natalija Bogdanov Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
  • Wim Heijman Wageningen University, Department of Social Sciences, The Netherlands


Rural development, rural infrastructure, social capital


The starting point of this research is the assumption that infrastructural development in Serbia could be the key to economic growth. The aim of this research is to present an overview of the level of development in rural Serbia with a focus on infrastructure. The research compares twelve rural Serbian districts on the basis of data about the three categories economic performance, infrastructure development and social capital. Outcomes of the research are an analysis of the relations between the three categories and a comparison of the Serbian districts. The two main findings of this research are that the positive influence of infrastructure on economic development is not convincingly proven for Serbia and that the relation between economic development and social capital (measured by election data) turns out to be negative instead of positive.



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How to Cite

Runia, M., Bogdanov, N., & Heijman, W. (2010). Rural infrastructure and the role of social capital in Serbia. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 589–597. Retrieved from