


digitalization, agriculture, agricultural managers, economic sustainability


One of the ways to achieve economic, environmental, and social sustainability in agriculture is to introduce digitalization in the production process or its digital transformation. The primary research objective in this paper is to obtain empirical knowledge about the various economic aspects of investing in digitalization in Serbian agriculture. The research relies on interviews conducted in the period April-October 2023 using a semi-structured questionnaire, covering a sample of 53 agricultural holdings on the entire territory of Serbia. The results show that the interviewed farm managers do not show a high degree of satisfaction with the achieved level of digitalization on the farms they manage. Nevertheless, based on the analysis of economic parameters of investment in digital solutions (return on investment period, perceived benefits, costs, investment limitations, financial support), the largest percentage of respondents (56.6%) intends to intensify investments in digitalization on their farm in the next period.


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How to Cite

Kljajić, N., Paraušić, V., & Stanković, Z. (2024). ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DIGITALIZATION IN SERBIAN AGRICULTURE: FARMERS’ ATTITUDES. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 71(3), 943–956.



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