Agribusiness, marketing, multi-criteria decision-making, MABAC method, Entropy methodAbstract
The aim of this study was to select the best marketing communication channel for a medium-sized agricultural company in the area of the city of Bijeljina by applying multi-criteria decision-making methods. Eight criteria were used for the research, and five communication channels were selected. The research on the importance of individual criteria was influenced by the commercial management of the company in question with their common attitude, i.e. assessment. The Entropy - MABAC method of multi-criteria decision-making was used for the methodology. The results show that the criterion of diversity of new information is the most significant. The best-rated communication channel is the company’s good image. The second-best rated alternative is the use of the internet, specifically social media. The results provide a good basis for further research in this area with the aim of determining the factors that influence the choice of future promotion methods and obtaining useful information.
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