
  • Gordana Radovi?, Ph.D. General manager, "Dnevnik-Poljoprivrednik" AD, Novi Sad



rural tourism, sources of fnancing, development, the Republic of Serbia


Rural tourism in the Republic of Serbia has not been developed in line with available resources. Insuffcient investments as well as undefned strategic development directions are the reason for that. The reason for that are insuffcient investments as well as undefined strategic development directions. The aim of this paper is to present sources of financing for rural tourism, i.e. the rural tourism offer in the Republic of Serbia. The paper includes feld research method, analyses, syntheses and statistical method. The author concludes that self-fnancing has been the dominant source of rural tourism fnancing in the Republic of Serbia so far. Currently, most of the respondents are not realizing their investments due to the insuffcient accumulative ability of rural tourism and agriculture, as their related feld, but also due to the lack of good external fnancial resources. In order to develop rural tourism in the Republic of Serbia it is necessary to defne fnancing modalities which include innovative sources of fnancing for all segments of the rural tourism offer.


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How to Cite

Radović, G. (2016). SOURCES OF FINANCE FOR RURAL TOURISM IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(3), 1053–1065.