
  • Dejan Dašić Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Constantine the Great”, Niš, Union-Nikola Tesla University, Belgrade
  • Tijana Stanić Alfa University, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing, Belgrade
  • Dragan Živković High school of Academic Studies “Dositej”, Belgrade



agricultural and food products, products, marketing channels, the Republic of Serbia


The main topic is Serbian agro-food potential. Serbia possesses exceptional natural resources having in mind it is located in the most favourable region of the north latitude. If this potential is used in an optimal measure, it would bring exceptional results. According to agriculture census in 2018 in Serbia there was registered 628.552 family agricultural farms, and 562 896 are family households. By adequate strategic planning, agriculture can provide a significant contribution to the economic development of a country. Agriculture encourages employment, takes a significant part in foreign trade, provides food security for citizens, contributes to the rural development and ecological balance. Therefore, it affects the development of entire country by being related to different sectors.


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How to Cite

Dašić, D., Stanić, T., & Živković, D. (2022). MARKET OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PRODUCTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: POSSIBILITIES AND IMPLICATIONS . Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 69(1), 57–74.



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