
  • Melita Jovanovi? Ton?ev, M.A. Coordinator of joint study programm Singidunum and Lincoln University, Belgrade
  • Danijela Jovanovi?, MBA Head of Marketing, Vital AD, Belgrade
  • Marko Mali?anin, Ph.D. Head of Development, Rubin AD, Krusevac
  • Bojan Dimitrijevi?, Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture




wine tourism, motives for participation in wine tourism, wine tourist profle, pull and push factors, "Tri Morave" sub-region.


The subject of this paper are the factors affecting the decision of wine tourists to take a trip to a particular destination. These factors can be divided into internal (push) and external (pull) factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the development potential as well as the factors that influence participation in wine tourism in Tri Morave sub-region. In order to do that, two researches were conducted: one on the offer side and another on the demand side. Based on the results of the survey on the offer side, one can conclude that Tri Morave sub-region abounds in natural and anthropological resources that should be turned into an integrated wine product. On the other hand, research concerning tourist demand was conducted by polling winery visitors. The obtained data confrms assumptions about the appearance of modern tourists seeking authentic experience, satisfaction of hedonistic needs, and enjoyment of high-quality wine and food. Based on the results of the survey, the purchase of wine and wine tasting are the highest ranked benefts that tourists expect from visits to wineries. The application of Spearmans correlation coeffcient points to statistically signifcant correlation between respondents, who referred to tasting, wine purchase, and authentic tourist experience as the basic motives of their visit, and future behavior of tourists in terms of revisiting and recommendations of the given wine destination to friends.


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How to Cite

Jovanović Tončev, M., Jovanović, D., Malićanin, M., & Dimitrijević, B. (2016). PUSH AND PULL FACTORS DETERMING WINE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE "TRI MORAVE" SUB-REGION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(3), 781–800. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1603781J



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