


goat breeding, farm, kids, milk, economic parameter


The subject of research in this paper is the analysis of economic indicators of goat breeding. Based on the data of the FAO and SORS statistical databases, the situation in the goat sector in the world, Europe, the EU and the Republic of Serbia was examined. Based on the set goal of the research, important questions were answered, such as: What amount of profit can he expect from goat breeding? Is such production economically justified and for how long can the financial investments be returned and at what rate of accumulation? Based on the inputs and outputs of Alpine and Balkan goat breeding (farm 2) in Serbia, more important economic indicators have been determined. The average profit ranges from 9,783 € (farm 1) to 18,208 € (farm 2), and the invested capital can be returned in the first or second year of goat breeding. At 100 € of invested capital, from 55.27 € to 102.85 € of accumulation is achieved, which depends on the breed of goats. Goat breeding is economically justified for breeders and provides significant financial security and economic sustainability of the holding.


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How to Cite

Sredojević, Z., Vujić, T., & Jevremović, M. (2020). ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF GOAT BREEDING ON FAMILY HOLDINGS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(4), 1297–1308.



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