
  • Radojka Maletić Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Sveta Rakić Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Zorica Sredojević Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade


alternative agricultural production, agricultural household, economical efficiency


As reaction to distinct negative effect of modern agricultural technology and techniques on preservation and protection of environment, lately research of alternative methods of efficient agricultural production in conditions of necessary ecological limits is intensified. The term alternative, biological, ecological or organic agriculture are often determined as systems and methods of plant and livestock production which are in collision with system of ordinary agriculture. Alternative agriculture represents production system which avoids or considerably excludes the application of synthetic mineral fertilizers, pesticides growth regulators and food additives. For control and management of product quality ISO 9000 standards were adopted, and for management of quality of environment is determined by standards ISO 14000. Main purpose of legislatory regulations is protection of health of the population and biodiversity. Standards and regulations on protection of environment valid in EU will be applied on the territory of member states. They will directly or indirectly be transferred through various market mechanisms to wide European area. Adjustment of Serbian economy includes harmonization with the EU policy on protection of the environment which will enhance the competitiveness of Serbian economy on European and world market.


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How to Cite

Maletić, R., Rakić, S., & Sredojević, Z. (2005). APPLICATION OF ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 52(3). Retrieved from



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