
  • Radojka Maleti?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun, Serbia
  • Slobodan Cerani?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun, Serbia


regional distribution, agricultural capacities, Serbia.


Problems of uneven regional development are of global nature. Development of new technologies, mass production and changes in the way and style of living are placing additional strain on issue of uneven regional development. One of the major issues of macro-economical policy of each country is ensuring balanced economical development throughout its territory. Policy of balanced regional development should be incentive for better utilization of natural potentials, capacities in non-developed areas. Complexity and importance of regional development are also indicated by the fact that these issues are incorporated in constitutions of numerous countries. Regions and regional development were also incorporated in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in 2006 (Official Journal of RS, no. 98/2006, Official Journal of RS, no. 55/05 and 71/05). In order to gain insight into production capacities and comparative advantages of certain territories, as one of the prerequisites for rational utilization of available resources, in the paper, the situation in reference to special distribution of main production capacities in agriculture (soil, perennial crops and livestock numbers) are presented, based on share of individual regions in total potential of Republic of Serbia. Therefore, observation units were defined using two criteria: administrative and geographical. Administrative, which includes division of the territory into municipal entities, as single territories, whereas the geographicl criterion included division of Serbia into low land, hilly, hilly-mountainous and mountainous regions (Official Journal of RS, no. 30/77).


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How to Cite

Maletić, R., & Ceranić, S. (2011). REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN AGRICULTURAL CAPACITIES OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(Special nu), 151–161. Retrieved from

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