


marketing research, agro industrial products, commerce, business efficiency


The aim of this work paper is to suggest efficient model of business efficiency in agro industrial products commerce, by integration of marketing mix instruments – product and price. Marketing research provides solid bases for foundation of good and efficient management moment, as an assumption of good market position. Based on determined goals and research objects, using qualitative methods of marketing research, the goal is the establishment of functional model of business efficiency. Another aim is to establish efficient communication model for interested parts, on relation service provider (enterprise), retailer, buyer and consumer in agro industrial products commerce within special market institutions (wholesale markets).



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How to Cite

Prdić, N. P., Kuzman, B., & Damjanović, J. (2019). MARKETING RESEARCH IN THE FUNCTION OF BUSINESS EFFICIENCY. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 66(4), 1039–1054.

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