
  • ??nja Vujovi?, PhD University of Pristina, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Sonja Vujovi?, PhD University of Pristina, Faculty of Economics, Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Miloš Pavlovi?, PhD Belgrade Business School – Higher education institution for applied studies, Belgrade



marketing, social responsibility, food industry, food distributors, unhealthy food, proft.


The paper analyzes the contemporary consumers mentality (materialistic concept of consumption), which is greatly encouraged by numerous propaganda messages that are spread through various media. Human eating habits have been rapidly changing under the influence of media and other propaganda. People eat food of dubious quality, that is only in function of making larger proft without worrying about the health of people and other possible problems that can arise. In the focus of the research are food products advertisements that were broadcasted on the three most watched TV stations with national coverage in the Republic of Serbia. By analyzing the structure and slogans of most advertised food products, the authors came to the conclusion that the media are in direct function of food producers and distributers. Media and marketing, therefore, have great influence on consumption of unhealthy food, and it is in direct relationship with large profts of food producers and distributers. In such constellation of relations only the consumers are at loss.


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How to Cite

Vujović Т., Vujović, S., & Pavlović, M. (2017). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN MARKETING OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY AND ITS DISTRIBUTORS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(3), 1277–1295.