


agriculture, crop insurance, factors of demand, risk management


Worldwide researches of the crop insurance suggest two key problems: the lack of the insurers interest for defining supply and on the other side, insufficient interest of farmers – potential insureds. The role of the state is necessary in promoting insurance in agriculture, as well as in financing researches that are not exclusively commercial. Having in mind numerous risks and forms of managing them, starting from the fact that risk management is the basis of economic survival of agricultural production, and the lack of previous research in this area, our research is aimed at identifying key incentive and restrictive factors that determine the demand of individual farmers for crop insurance in Serbia. Different conclusions are made on the base of 12 tested hypotheses related to the problem of promoting the demand for crop insurance. Measures of dependence that were used in this paper are Spearmans rank correlation coefficient and Pearsons contingency coefficient.


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How to Cite

Njegomir, V., & Demko Rihter, J. (2018). THE PROBLEM OF THE DEMAND FOR CROP INSURANCE: THE CASE OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(3), 995–1014.



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