
  • Vladimir Njegomir, PhD Faculty of Law and Business Studies, Novi Sad
  • Ljubo Pejanovi?, PhD Faculty of Law and Business Studies, Novi Sad
  • Zoran Kekovi?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade



agriculture, entrepreneurship, climate changes, insurance, Serbia.


Agricultural entrepreneurship is the basis of creativity, innovation, proftability and risk management of agricultural producers. Although the agricultural entrepreneurship is often ignored in Serbia, in the paper we emphasize its importance due to the fact that the contribution of agriculture still has the largest share in gross domestic product. Current 2016 was declared as the year of entrepreneurship in Serbia, which further stressed the importance of studying this problem. As the aim of the research we have determined the need for the study of agricultural entrepreneurship in the context of vulnerability to risks from the environment. In this regard, in the paper we frst point to agricultural entrepreneurship and the importance of agriculture production in Serbia and then we point out to the environmental protection, as a form of preventive action for risk reduction, insurance, as a form of fnancing of insurance claims, and the characteristics of agriculture insurance in Serbia. The main conclusion is that environmental protection and agricultural insurance are complementary mechanisms of risk protection that provide signifcant support to agricultural entrepreneurship and the development of agricultural production.


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How to Cite

Njegomir, V., Pejanović, L., & Keković, Z. (2017). AGRICULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND INSURANCE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(3), 1035–1047.



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