
  • Snježana Gagi?, M.Sc. College of professional studies in management and business communication, Department of Hospitality, Sremski Karlovci
  • Ana Jovi?i?, M.Sc. The Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd
  • Dragan Tešanovi?, PhD University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad
  • Bojana Kalenjuk, M.Sc. Teaching Assistant, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad



food, consumer, motives, Food Choice Questionnaire, Serbia


Peoples motives for food choice depend on a number of very complex economic, social and individual factors. A Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ), an instrument that measures the importance of factors underlying food choice, was used to reveal the Serbian consumers food choice motives by survey of 450 respondents of different age groups. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the motive items, using 11 factors. Previous research shows that the nutrition in Serbia is not balanced enough, and therefore the analysis of motives for food choice is considered a useful tool for the planning of more efficient public policies and interventions aimed at influencing healthier eating habits. Hence the results can be useful for researchers as well as for public institutions which deal with creating the strategy of public health or businessmen who produce and sell food products, because knowing consumer behaviour is necessary for product success on the market.


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How to Cite

Gagić, S., Jovičić, A., Tešanović, D., & Kalenjuk, B. (2014). MOTIVES FOR FOOD CHOICE AMONG SERBIAN CONSUMERS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 61(1), 41–51.



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