
  • Vesna Popovi?, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Biljana Gruji?, M.A. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade



budget, subsidies, fscal consolidation, agricultural policy, EU accession.


In this paper, the authors analyse the dynamics of agricultural subsidies, compared to the developments in public revenue and public expenditure and the total subsidies of the republic budget, in the years of 2006-2013. We performed desk research using offcial statistical data and processing them with standard statistical methods, and studying and quoting a number of scientifc papers and documents of national and EU institutions. We also considered the governments projection of the scope and structure of agricultural subsidies by 2024, having In mind the fscal consolidations and the obligations of adjusting legislation, support policy and institutional framework in agriculture with those of the EU. A three-year fscal consolidation programme, which includes, among other things, reducing and re-examining agricultural support programmes, should create a healthy basis for stable and growing budget transfers to agriculture. Investment support will still be very important, and producers could expect a more signifcant growth in direct payments just before and just after joining the EU.


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How to Cite

Popović, V., & Grujić, B. (2015). AGRICULTURAL SUBSIDIES IN THE BUDGET OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(2), 513–525.

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