
  • Slavica Arsi?, M.A. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Marijana Jovanovi?, B.Sc. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Zorica Sredojevi?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute for agroeconomy, Zemun



sheep, former Yugoslavian republics (FYR), Europe, world.


Sheep farming in Serbia, from year to year, notices a descending course in number of sheep, as well as in production of milk and meat. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the number of sheep in Serbia and the surrounding countries (FYR). By comparing the current state of the total number of sheep (in 2011) with the state in the former Yugoslavia, the result shown is that there are 66% less sheep in Serbia compared to the total number seen in 1967 (base year). Compared to the last census from 2012, there is an increased number of sheep in Serbia, compared to previous year (2011) by 18.4%. Other former Yugoslav republics (FYR) also have a decrease in the total number of sheep: in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 76.5%, in Montenegro by 64.3%, in Croatia by 41.3%, in Macedonia by 63.5% compared to 1967 (base year), except for Slovenia, which has an increase in the total number of sheep by 83,000 head of cattle. In paper is given overview of the number of sheep for some European countries and for some part of world, in purpose of comparison with sheep state in FYR.


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How to Cite

Arsić, S., Jovanović, M., & Sredojević, Z. (2015). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE NUMBER OF SHEEP IN FYR AND SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(2), 453–466.

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