
  • Aleksandra Despotovi?, PhD University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica, Department for Agro Economic Research, Podgorica
  • Miljan Joksimovi?, M.Sc. University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica, Department for Agro Economic Research, Podgorica
  • Miomir Jovanovi?, PhD University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica, Department for Agro Economic Research, Podgorica



demographic changes, rural development, structure, agriculture.


Number of citizens in a country represents its primary production potential. Montenegro has signifcant natural resources for rural development. However, many problems follow rural development, and one of those problems is the demographic problem. The paper analyzes demographic changes in Montenegro by its regions, as well as gender and age structure of the population in the period 1948-2011. Statistical methods (tabular views, percentage accounts, base and chain indexes and graphs) are used in the preparation of the paper. They are used as "desk research" method and method of comparison. The aim of the paper is to highlight the trend of demographic changes and their impact on the development of agriculture in Montenegro, in the period 1948-2011. The obtained results indicate negative consequences of demographic changes (population and deagrarisation), as well as the reduction of the agricultural population. They have also influenced the decrease of agricultural production and the formation of unfavourable environment for its improvement. One of the greatest consequences of deagrarisation is the lack of manpower. Montenegrin agriculture is characterized by the aging of the rural population and signifcantly lower average level of education.


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How to Cite

Despotović, A., Joksimović, M., & Jovanović, M. (2015). IMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES ON AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN MONTENEGRO. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(3), 613–625.



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