economic analysis, concentration, milk market, procurements, defence system.Abstract
Increasing effciency during realization of procurements in the defence system imposes the requirement to analyse the market, in order to detect all of its characteristics and to make conclusions which would beneft during planning of budgetary assets by one comprehensive process. Procuring milk and milk products represents a signifcant part of defence systems procurements which represents that a signifcant segment of the consumer standard of the Serbian Army, which implies the interest of authors to point to the signifcance of the concentration of the supply branch on the realization of procurements on the example of this market. The aim of this paper is to display the state and actual trends on the market of production and processing of milk, defne methodological framework and point to the intensity and terms of competition and their influence on procurement criteria, especially price in the defence system of the Republic of Serbia.
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