



rural tourism, evaluative bibliometric analysis, Web of Science, tourism journals


The development of academic thought is a slow but unquestionable process that leads to a more advanced intellectual structure of the research area. The global growth of tourism demand in rural areas has conditioned the accelerated development of rural tourism, and thus the growing interest of the academic community in this tourism specialism. In this regard, the paper aims to provide insight into recent trends in rural tourism literature and examine the intellectual structure of this discipline. A detailed review of relevant literature published in the Web of Science (WoS) tourism journals and the application of evaluative bibliometric analysis identified the predominant interests of authors and dominant research niches, the most common research regions, the most frequently used research methods, papers that had the highest impact on modelling scientific thought within the subject area, the most productive and influential journals, as well as the authors who have left the most profound trace in the analyzed discipline in the past ten years. It is expected that the paper stimulates academic discussion on the relatively steady interest of researchers and the need for further and more dynamic intellectual development in the field of rural tourism.


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How to Cite

Leković, M., Cvijanović, D., Pantić, N., & Stanišić, T. (2020). EVALUATIVE BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RECENT TRENDS IN RURAL TOURISM LITERATURE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(4), 1265–1282. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2004265L



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