



competitiveness factors, product quality, market, business improvement


The subject of research in this paper is the business success of an organization aimed at assessing selected factors relevant to creating sustainable competitiveness of industrial and agroindustrial products in the target market. The research was conducted on the basis of a specially designed questionnaire on a sample of one hundred organizations operating on the territory of Serbia. The premise is that the factors that affect the competitiveness of industrial and agroindustrial products of different organizations have different effects on the results of their business activities and the perception of their importance for improving the quality of business. Numerous factors determine the level of competitiveness of products of organizations, which imposes the need for the evaluation and adaptation of the existing business concept to the arising changes. Namely, relevant analyses show that national organizations cannot be competitive if they do not meet the key requirement - the production of quality products in accordance with the standards of the modern world market, as indicators of the current situation show. The methods used in this research are the hypothetical deductive, the analytical-deductive and the comparative method, the historical and the statistical-descriptive method, and the method of comparative statistics (ch2 test, ANOVA). The results of the research show that the key factors for increasing the level of competitiveness of industrial and agroindustrial products of domestic organizations are competitive price, good design, high functionality, fast service, quality marketing, etc.


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How to Cite

Ćurčić, N., & Miletić, V. (2020). FACTORS IMPORTANT FOR ACHIEVING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF INDUSTRIAL AND AGROINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(3), 831–847. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2003831C



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