


cybernetics, digitalization, accounting, agriculture, robotization


Cybernetics deals with basic laws of management, managing systems and systems that are being managed.
It is about organization complex of different elements and mutual influences bonded in a system. That bond
functions based on feedback, companies management evaluates information that are causing new commands
to emerge which can correct work in accordance with delegated task. By mobilizing large number of scientific
disciplines and ways, cybernetic has become a science of mutual regularity of management. Mathematical
logic and theory of algorithms (base of digitalization) have benefited from cybernetics. Theory of recognition
occurs. AI and isomorphism have happened that are characterized by equality of forms and it doesnt bypass
agriculture, which is manifested through: ground analysis, choice of planting material, prescription for treatment and processing procedures, storage, transport and distribution. Robotization, IT, AI and digitalization make up symbiosis of action for achieving ambitious goals of agriculture.


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How to Cite

Todosijevic Lazovic, S. (2020). CYBERNETICS IN FUNCTION OF AMBITIOUS FUTURE OF AGRICULTURE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(1), 69–85.



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