vegetable production, greenhouses, economics effectiveAbstract
In modern conditions of market working, it ought to take care that all potential invenstitors, when we talk about economic sphere, they conceived their invest on princip of economics effective, because in that case they can make a big business results related to executed investment. In other words, taking investment decision ought to based on controlled and proved methods of economic effective, because of acquisition a positive finance result which will enable other investments in goal of sustainable social economic growth. On geographical position, where is relief with predominate flat ground, available natural resources, and made economic potentials, the community Pančevo presents important area for vegetable production in greenhouses. This project include three Experimental field, on three location of community Pančevo. Experimental fields are under greenhouses and in period October 2006. – April 2007. breeded vegetables (spinach, radish, green salad and onion). The first experimental field is in village Glogonj, the second in village Banatski Brestovac, and the third belongs Secondary agricultural school "Josif Pančić" in Pančevo.
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