
  • Livija Maksimovi?, PhD Institute of Field and Vegetable crops, Novi Sad
  • Jovan Babovi?, PhD The Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad, Active Member New York Academy of Sciences, New York
  • ?arko Cari?, PhD The Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad
  • Stanko Mili?, MSc Institute of Field and Vegetable crops, Novi Sad


sugar-beet, economic effects, irrigation, dunging, growth, profit, economy, profitability and productivity.


The research of production and economic effects of irrigation to the sugarbeet and sugar growth per hectare was carried out on the carbonate humus of favourable water-physical and chemical characteristics on the location of Rimski Šančevi during the period from 2004 to 2006. The experiment was set according to the method of the Split-plot system being done in four repetitions with the usage of raindrop irrigation. During the experiment there were kept humidity soil treatments from 60 to 65% and the field water capacity (FWC) of 75-80% with a controlling variant being included.

The realized profit per hectare during irrigation is 1607 $/ha and it is approximately greater of 17,6% in comparison with the production in the controlling variant. Economy shows that to a unit of invented capital there is realized 1,49 unit of profit during irrigation or more than 4,2% comparing the production without irrigation. Profitability measured from the point of relationship between profit and incomes is 32,8% during irrigation and it is greater of 6,8% than the production in the controlling variant. The productivity indicator tells us that for one produced tone of sugar-beet during irrigation is approximately spent 1,28 hours of total working time or it is produced 0,783 t/working hour of sugar-beet.


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How to Cite

Maksimović, L., Babović, J., Carić М., & Milić, S. (2010). THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF IRRIGATION AND DUNGING IN THE SUGAR-BEET PRODUCTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(4), 611–623. Retrieved from



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