Strategic planning on the local level as a factor of more efficient rural development


  • Zoran Njegovan, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Radovan Pejanovi?, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Katarina Markovi?, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad


Rural Development, Strategic Planning, Local Level, Sustainability


The primary objective of the paper is focused on how to reverse the process of continued impoverishment of the local rural areas and create conditions for social, cultural, economic and environmentally sustainable development based on local initiative. In order to meet this objective, an attempt is made to define systematic, continuous and cyclic approach of setting up priorities and policies as a basic tool for strategic action planning on a local level (LSAP). Decentralization of the state, strengthening of local municipalities and participation of citizens is the process that has to be articulated toward efficient development. The paper can provisionally be divided into two parts. The frst part encompasses the importance of local strategic planning while the second part gives the bases for the formulation of the strategic action planning methodology. Local development must be based on adequate decision making process and process of implementation. Those characteristics are bringing certainty in the structure of the LSAP development.


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How to Cite

Njegovan, Z., Pejanović, R., & Marković, K. (2010). Strategic planning on the local level as a factor of more efficient rural development. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 551–558. Retrieved from

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