Statistical and accounting costs and effectiveness of traditional sheepfolds products


  • Victoria Firescu, PhD The University of Pitesti
  • Gheorghe S?voiu, PhD The University of Pitesti


food, cost and effectiveness, traditional agricultural products.


The agricultural food products and practices used for the management of land, pastures, meadows, and orchards, but also the manner in which animals are bred and cared for, plays a crucial role both in the creation as well as in the perpetuation of the local culture, landscape, but especially in the adults and childrens health. The essential part of this paper seeks to define statistical and accounting costs and effectiveness of traditional sheeps products.

The annualization methodology were based on the following methodological criteria, resulted from the subjective reactions and estimations of the interviewed persons, due to which it was necessary to view and determine the level of their incomes with some caution, based on the information collected from the households, and also compared with the international fairs.


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How to Cite

Firescu, V., & Săvoiu, G. (2010). Statistical and accounting costs and effectiveness of traditional sheepfolds products. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 134–141. Retrieved from