
  • Maja Mladenovi?, MSc. Ph.D. student in Faculty of Economics, University of Priština with temporary location in K. Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Radica Boji?i?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University of Priština with temporary location in K. Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica



Šar cheese, Municipality of Štrpce, agricultural and food sector, rural development, livestock breeding


As a result of the climate in which it is produced, as well as its recognizable taste and quality, the Šar cheese is a high demand product on the market of Kosovo and Metohija. The authors will, based on the research presented in this paper, give an overview of the production and the main carriers of the Šar cheese production. It will also present how Šar cheese production may be used in helping people survive in Sirinićka Župa. This paper would also, through direct surveys, observe perceptions and attitudes of the inhabitants of this region and provide practical guidelines on the production of the Šar cheese as development potential of the municipality of Štrpce, and recommend further agricultural reforms and tourist capacities of this region.


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How to Cite

Mladenović, M., & Bojičić, R. (2018). PRODUCTION OF ŠAR CHEESE – DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR ŠTRPCE MUNICIPALITY. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(3), 929–942.



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