
  • Danijela Andjelkovi?, PhD University Union "Nikola Tesla" , Belgrade
  • Milan Vuji?, MA High Technology School of Vocational Studies – Аrandjelovac
  • Ana Liberakos, PhD Business and Law Faculty, Beograd, Mladenovac, Ontario
  • Danijela Zubac, PhD Higher Technical Professional School, Zvečan



sunflower oil, price, brand, relationship marketing, satisfaction, financial performances.


The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically how determinant attributes of price and brand, based on relationship marketing concept, influence customer perceived value as well as long-term proft in the Serbian sunflower oil industry. For the purpose of this study, a self-administrated questionnaire was distributed to 125 respondents. This questionnaire has been created to collect primary data and it has a structure that reflects statements which show customers satisfaction determinant attributes. A descriptive and multiple regression analysis was used to identify which factors of determinant attributes of customers satisfaction influenced customer-perceived value. Therefore, we perceive the influence of satisfaction and its attributes as nonfinancial measures on financial measures which are related to enterprise performance. This study found that factors of determinant attributes of price and brand significantly and statistically influenced the satisfaction, whereas the manufacturers brand has the greatest influence. Furthermore, analyzing the loyalty of customers as a second key factor of relationship marketing, the results of this study undoubtedly confirmed that only the brand significantly influenced customers loyalty. The price represents a significant factor in providing immediate customers satisfaction. But, in the long run, the focus of customers is on those oil manufacturers who have a powerful brand (corporate reputation). The study opens possibilities of discussion in the existing literature due to the fact that it reveals how determinant attributes of customers satisfaction and loyalty influences the creation of superior value for the customer as well as the creation of long-term value for the enterprise. This study found that the process of creation enterprises value was not based on a traditional formula, where it began with input and ended with the output. The mere input for the creation of enterprises output emerges from interaction with customers. In this context, its very important to take into account the economic effect between the consistent creation of superior value for the customer and long-term profit. Moreover, the importance of this study emerges from research results which show that modern market conditions impose the need for tailoring financial statements that are based on various interest groups. In this way, additional non-financial measures of success are provided as well as information in relation to those that can be obtained from existing basic financial statements.


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