
  • Vlado Kova?evi?, PhD Institute Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Mirjana Boj?evski, MA Ministry of Agriculture and Enviromental Protection
  • Biljana Chroneos Krasavac, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics



FADN, feedback information, agricultural household, agricultural policy, farm income.


The objective of this paper is the analysis of the feedback information from the Farm accountancy data network (FADN) in the Serbia. The objective of FADN is to ensure the compulsory annual reports to the European Commission, as well as for the analytics and development of a national agro-sector. The signifcance for the national agro-sector is primarily by providing feedback information to domestic farmers. Analyses in this paper were determined the need and possibility for inclusion in FADN feedback form indicators of gross margin for every production line, which can be calculated from already existing data. The importance of gross margin as an indicator of proftability is signifcant from the perspective of farmers.


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How to Cite

Kovačević, V., Bojčevski, M., & Chroneos Krasavac, B. (2017). IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK INFORMATION FROM FARM ACCOUNTANCY DATA NETWORK OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(3), 1147–1159.