
  • Svjetlana Jankovi? Šoja, MSc. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Radojka Maleti?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade


active population, socio-demographic structure of population, the regression model, the employment dynamics.


Analysis of active population dynamics is necessary from an economic point of view since only that part of the population participates in the creation of economic value. During the reference period, a significant employment decrease was recorded in Serbia, which is caused by political and economic changes. Namely, according to some structures, analysis of the employment indicated a reduction in the gap in gender structure of employees, change of image of the economic structure (agriculture and manufacturing industry recorded a significant decline in activity), and employment structure based on professional qualifications indicates the highest percentage of employees with secondary education.

The changes are particularly evident in rural parts of Serbia, which had an impact on change in population structure regarding age, gender, activity, education, literacy. The changes that have swept on the rural population, have resulted in significant reduction of the agricultural population, both total and active agricultural population.

Based on data relating on employment records of the last ten years, the regression model was defined, and it most accurately reflects dynamics of employment, considering the ratio between the number of employees on the one hand, and "the number of vacancies", "number of persons whose employment is terminated" and "job seekers" on the other.


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How to Cite

Janković Šoja, S., & Maletić, R. (2011). STRUCTURAL CHANGES AND EMPLOYMENT DYNAMICS OF SERBIAN POPULATION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(Special nu), 137–149. Retrieved from