
  • Saša Todorović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Zemun
  • Sanjin Ivanovi?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, Zemun


labor, employment, family farms, crop production, beef production.


Traditionally, crop production has greater needs of labor in the season, especially in the sowing and harvesting period. Therefore, farms directed at crop production in certain parts of the year have unused reserves of available labor.

Bearing this in mind, the aim of this paper was to find the ways of increasing the employment of labor at family farms directed at crop production. It provides an opportunity to use other available resources better (arable land, machinery and buildings) and to obtain more favorable economic effects of the business.

In this context, there were formed the adequate models of family farms which were used to examine organizational and economic effects of introduction of beef production at farms directed at crop production.

It was determined that the time available to engage in other activities at small farms directed at crop production is very high. This means that at such small farms exists a problem of hidden unemployment. Such situation could cause formation and growth of rural poverty.

More rational way of organization (change of production direction – introduction of beef production) provides an opportunity for family farms directed at crop production to use available resources (especially labor) better, and thus to improve business results.


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How to Cite

Todorović, S., & Ivanović, S. (2011). THE POSSIBILITIES OF INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR AT FAMILY FARMS BY CHANGING PRODUCTION DIRECTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(Special nu), 105–124. Retrieved from