
  • Nenad Peri?, PhD Metropolitan University, Belgrade
  • Andrijana Vasi?-Nik?evi?, MSc Metropolitan University, Belgrade
  • Nenad Vuji?, PhD Economics Institute, Belgrade



organic food consumption, consumers attitude, decision making process


The aim of this study was to investigate the association between socio-demographic variable and attitudes of respondents from Serbia and Croatia towards organic food. Consumers around the world have a positive attitude towards organic food without particular differences between various socio-demographic variables. However, the level of organic food consumption is low - organic farming covers 1% of agricultural land. High price and low income of respondents represent the basic limiting factors. The economic factor is especially important for the markets of Serbia and Croatia. Also, a lack of information and trust in the organic production and organic certificates constitute part of the decision in purchase. Therefore, manufactures of organic products needs marketing activities to build a recognizable brand and develop trust among consumers. Also, consumers have shown a high degree of self-awareness in making decisions about the purchase of organic products, which makes brand communication at the point of sale very important.


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How to Cite

Perić, N., Vasić-Nikčević, A., & Vujić, N. (2017). CONSUMERS ATTITUDES ON ORGANIC FOOD IN SERBIA AND CROATIA: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(3), 1049–1064.



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